Jews, christians, sabians and others on the one hand and polytheists or idolaters on the other hand. Islamic beliefs about other religions the quran states that there must be no compulsion in religion. Collected in this volume are articles written over a span of two decades, dealing with islam and other faiths, and christianity and judaism in particular. Islam and other faiths by ismail raji al faruqi, ataullah siddiqui jstor. The interest by muslim scholars in the study of other religions isa natural. Islam religion your guide to the truth about muslim beliefs, culture, customs. A fascinating study by an engaging scholaractivist, this book provides a good crosssection of the critical issues in comparative religion between islam, judaism, christianity and other faiths. Islamic holy books are the texts which muslims believe were authored by god through various. This book would benefit all those who are in search of truth and those who are trying to discover religion and are not sure which religion will. These adherents, called jews, belong to the same family of religions as christianity and islam, the abrahamic religions. So, what are the holy books of the five major world religions. The book enlighten me toward reading quran and to learn how to worship the creator of heaven i believe this book speaks to the soul of man today.
The contents displays and explains the vanity of the quran. The islamic foundation and the international institute of. The quran distinguishes between the monotheistic people of the book ahl alkitab, i. Islam and other faiths paperback 1998 by ismail raji alfaruqi author, ataullah siddiqui author see all 4 formats and editions hide other formats and editions.
The idea of islamic infallibility is encapsulated in the formula, islam is exalted and nothing is exalted above. Islamic beliefs about other religions religionfacts. They believe that islam is the perfection of the religion revealed first to abraham who is considered the first muslim and later to other prophets. They cover a wide spectrum of interreligious issues including commonality and differences as well as the issue of mission and dawah.
Conflict between religions threatens future of the world, muslim leaders tell pope. The quran also mentions two ancient scrolls and another possible book. Islam and other faiths alfaruqi, ismail raji, siddiqui, ataullah on. Ahl alkitab is an islamic term which refers to jews, christians, sabians, and zoroastrians. They call jews and christians the people of the book and. Islam religion your guide to the truth about muslim. The muslims acceptance of the jews and christians referred to in the quran as people of the book as authentic religious communities is made clear. In a letter addressed to pope benedict xvi and other christian leaders, 8 prominent muslim scholars from. It directs muslims not to fight with people of the book.
Muslims believe that jews and christians have strayed from gods true faith but hold them in higher esteem than pagans and unbelievers. It is also used in judaism to refer to the jewish people and by members of some christian denominations to refer to themselves the quran uses the term in reference to jews, christians, sabians and zoroastrians in a variety of contexts. Islam and other faiths islamic economics faruqi, ismail r al on. Conflict between religions threatens future of the world. Why two faiths collide and millions of other books are available for. The basic beliefs and history of a religion is often found in its sacred or revered texts.
In an excellent new book called when islam is not a religion, asma uddin. The holy books of world religions sacred texts in world. Islam and other faiths by ijaz chaudry nook book ebook. We need to accept islam s vital and varied role in politics, shadi hamid writes in his new book, islamic exceptionalism.
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